Boost Your Sales with Amazon's Brand Referral Bonus Program

amazon ecommerce Nov 14, 2023
Amazon Referral Bonus

Engage customers where they shop and direct traffic from search engines, social media, and other platforms to your Amazon product listings while reducing your referral fees. Amazon's Brand Referral Bonus (BRB) program offers an opportunity to earn an average bonus of 50% on sales from non-Amazon marketing traffic that you direct to Amazon.

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How does the Brand Referral Bonus Program Work?

BRB is a program that allows you to earn an average bonus of 50% of the referral fees from product sales you direct to Amazon. Additionally, you'll receive the same credit for any of your products purchased by the same customer within the following two weeks. For instance, if a qualified sale happens in September, the bonus might be credited to your account in November. Once credited, the bonus reduces your referral fees going forward, until the bonus is used up.

The exact amount of the bonus varies based on product category and will appear as a credit on your seller referral fees two months after the purchase date to accommodate for any cancellations or returns.

How to Benefit from the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus Program

Here's how you can start earning a bonus through BRB and see how marketing campaigns are driving value for your brand:

  1. Check your eligibility and enrol: Currently only brand owners selling on Amazon US are eligible. You need to be signed up on a Professional selling plan and enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry to unlock access.  In Seller Central, you need to navigate to the “Brand Referral Bonus” page under the “Brands” tab. If you’re an eligible brand, you can enrol with one click. Provide the required tax information to start receiving your bonus.
  2. Create campaigns and drive traffic: Once you’re set up with an Amazon Ads account, navigate to the Amazon Attribution tool which is located on the “Brand Referral Bonus” page. 

With Amazon Attribution, you can create URLs for campaigns, select the products you want to track, and measure the impact of campaigns with advertising analytics.

  1. Earn a bonus: As campaigns drive sales, you’ll start to earn a bonus. For example, if you drive $1,000 in sales for office products, you could earn a bonus worth $100.  Reports are available weekly on the Brand Referral Bonus page.

Ideas to Boost Sales using Brand Registry Bonus

  1. Promote new or slow-moving products: Increase discoverability and conversion by combining BRB with the marketing technique of your choice, such as email campaigns, social media promotions, or product listing ads.
  2. Re-engage customers with Sponsored Display ads: Use Sponsored Display ads to remind customers about a specific product as they continue to browse in the Amazon store and elsewhere online.
  3. Combine BRB with Deals: Promote Deals, such as Deal of the Day, through non-Amazon marketing methods to increase reach and sell-through rate while earning a credit through BRB on the sales.

FAQ: Brand Referral Bonus

  • How is the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus calculated? BRB varies by product category and accumulates based on sales of the products you promote using Amazon Attribution tags.
  • Who is eligible for the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus? Currently only brand owners selling on Amazon US are eligible to enrol in BRB.
  • How do I access the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus? To begin using BRB, sign up for a Professional selling plan, enrol in Brand Registry, and navigate to the Brand Referral Bonus page under the Brands tab in Seller Central.


More information on BRB can be found at:

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