Maximizing Your Amazon Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales: 5 Proven PPC Advertising Tactics

amazon ecommerce ppc Oct 23, 2023

The Black Friday, Cyber Monday combo is just around the corner, and if you're an Amazon seller, it's time to prepare your advertising strategy for one of the biggest shopping events of the year.

Amazon PPC advertising can be a game-changer during this season, helping you boost visibility, drive traffic, and increase sales.

In this blog post, we'll explore five clear tactics to supercharge your Amazon PPC campaigns for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

  1. **Optimize Keyword Strategy:**

Effective keyword optimization is the cornerstone of successful Amazon PPC advertising. Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify high-converting keywords related to your products. Consider using tools like Amazon's own Keyword Tool or third-party options like Zonguru, Helium 10 or SEMrush.

**Long-Tail Keywords Emphasis:**

Target long-tail keywords that are specific to your products. They may have lower search volumes but are often less competitive and convert better.

**Negative Keywords:**

Continuously monitor your campaigns and add negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic, reducing wasted ad spend.

**Optimize CPC Strategies:**

During the promotion, competition increases significantly. Have a clear idea of your campaign budget and adjust your bids to ensure your ads remain competitive and visible for your best KW performers.

Consider pausing high ACOS or low performing KW’s for the time of the promotion.

**Special Low Bid Campaigns**

Consider creating a special low bid campaigns for KW’s that may be competitive and run out of budget early. The low bid campaign has a greater chance of lasting the full term of the promotion period picking up profitable sales if it converts.

  1. **Plan Your Promotions & Pricing Strategy**

Pricing up to and including the day can create opportunities to gain those extra sales:

**It’s Not Just On The Day**

Building up to Black Friday or Cyber Monday is not about turning it on that day. Start preparing your pricing strategy early with coupons and deals before the promotion starts.

**Shoppers Start Early & Stay Late:**

Make sure your ads are running before, during, and after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


Take advantage of the various deal types offered by Amazon specifically designed for these events.

**Coupon Discount:**

Coupon discount “tags” will highlight a deal for your product. Even if you have a deal running, consider the incentive of an “extra” coupon discount.

No deal running, then create a compelling coupon deal for your promotion. 

  1. **Create Compelling Ad Creatives (for Brand registered products):**

Your ad creatives must stand out in the crowded promotional marketplace. Craft compelling product titles, descriptions, and ad copy that highlight your unique selling points. Consider these tips:

**Use High-Quality Images:**

Showcase your products with professional, high-resolution images that catch shoppers' attention.

**Highlight Deals:**

Clearly communicate your discounts and promotions in your ad copy to entice shoppers.

**Utilize Enhanced Brand Content:**

Take advantage of Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) to create visually appealing and informative product listings.

  1. **Monitor & Adjust in Real-Time:**

Don't set your Amazon PPC campaigns on autopilot and hope for the best. Regularly monitor campaign performance, adjusting bids, budgets, and keywords as needed:

**Daily Check-Ins:**

During the sales period, consider checking your campaigns multiple times a day to react quickly to changes in competition and conversion rates.

**A/B Testing:**

Experiment with different ad creatives, keywords, and landing pages to identify what works best and refine your strategy accordingly.

  1. **Optimize Your Off Amazon Landing Pages:**

Your Amazon PPC campaign may only be as strong as your landing page. Ensure that the product pages shoppers land on are optimized for conversions:


Many shoppers browse and buy on mobile devices. Make sure your product pages are mobile-friendly to capture this audience.

**Loading Speed:**

Faster-loading pages lead to lower bounce rates and higher conversions. Optimize your images and page elements for speed.

**Clear CTA (Call to Action):**

Make it easy for shoppers to add products to their cart and complete the checkout process with clear and persuasive CTAs.


Make it obvious to your shoppers that your campaigns for the promotion are consistent with Amazon offers. Provide a seamless experience between the two platforms.

Black Friday on Amazon presents a massive opportunity for sellers, but it also comes with fierce competition.

To make the most of this sales event, implement these five PPC advertising tactics.

By following these strategies, you can maximize your visibility, drive traffic, and increase sales during the holiday shopping frenzy.

Need help working out what may be an effective promotions strategy for your Amazon business?

Consider a coaching call, where I can help you identify the most effective keywords and campaigns to use during this promotion to maximise your returns. 

Good luck with your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns!

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